Unique french girl names

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*There may be some overlap : Certain names show up in multiple categories. French goddess names and Frenchified mythological names.Gender-neutral names: names for boys and girls.Hyphenated or Compound names such as Marie-Antoinette, which is a very royal French girl name.I’ve also included the following types of names in this list. Rare names and ones that are disappearing.Traditional and Classic names between the 1800s and 1900s.Popular names by year and decade: 2022, the 1920s, 1950’s and 1980s.Rather than organizing this list of French baby girl names based on what I think are pretty names, I combed through the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies ( ) and listed the names that parents in France have actually given to their daughters since the 1800s and organized them into convenient categories.

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Whether you’re interested in popular baby names, traditional, pretty French girl names, or a unique French baby girl name that reflects your French heritage, I’ve put together a huge list of more than 300 beautiful French female names and their meanings that are typically given to girls in France, along with their meanings. Choosing the perfect name for a girl can be an exciting and fun experience, but it can be stressful, too.Īfter all, it will be her name FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE! If you’re here, my guess is you’re interested in French girl names.

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